November 2023

Another unbelievable day!


On Saturday 11th November, we held our second Miles Martial Arts Club Championships and what a great day it was!

An absolutely monumental effort from all of the MMA team, both students and instructors/officials.
It goes without saying, that this type of event would not be possible without the vast number of awesome people who give up their time to help set up and run it.
The students get so much from this experience, helping to push them out of their comfort zones so that they can grow, whilst allowing them to build relationships and great memories. What an amazing thing we have all achieved!
We cannot thank you all enough!! To each and every one of you who helped with this event, thank you so much.

And to each and every one of you who took part, well done for having the courage to step up.

Until next time…. Go the distance…. Love the journey!



5-7yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Male Gold: Blake Lucas Silver: Kai Chung Bronze: Edward Ferguson & Zachary Watts

5-7yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Female Gold: Gratiane de Menorval Silver: Christina Scholtz Bronze: Maia Pampellonne & Natalia Kukanesen-Marti

5-7yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male Gold: Kilian BeukesSilver: Jenson Fuller

5-7yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Female Gold: Elizabeth Barretto Silver: Seryn Tremeer

8-9yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup comb Male & Female Gold: Callum White Silver: Eddie Robinson Bronze: Archie Kenward & Matilda Prockter

8-9yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male Gold: Oakley Tremeer Silver: Cooper Goddard Bronze: William Hughes & Samuel Elliff

8-9yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Female Gold: Clara Scholtz Silver: Esther Palmer Bronze: Clea Bassil & Samantha  Ferguson

10-12yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup comb 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male GOld: Kajus Lavrentjevas SIlver: William Clucas Bronze: Rory Michelson & George Dalton

10-12yrs 9th Kup – 7th KupFemale

10-12yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup FemaleGold: Arianna Kukanesen-Marti Silver: Amelia Denizsev

10-12yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Female Gold:  Eva Bradley Silver: Rebecca Jimack Bronze: Lara Edginton & Paige Ward 

13-14yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup comb 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male comb 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male & Female Bella Hughes Silver: Ethan Dalby Bronze: Peter Hutchinson & Ethan Dalby

13-14yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup comb 10-12 yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup MaleGold: Freddie Higgins Silver: James Clucas

13-14yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Female Gold: Levina Vyner Silver: Emily Harris Bronze: Emmelien Vyner

13-14yrs Black Belt Male Gold: Jasper Richman Silver: William Velvick Bronze: Ben Bradley & George Cunningham

15-17yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Female Gold: Jess Teckoe Silver: Pippa Braam

15-17yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Male Gold: Lucien Penfold Silver: Leo McFadyen

15-17yrs Black Belt Male comb Black Belt Female Gold: Logan Habgood Silver: Gabi Smith Bronze: Felix Richman

Veteran 9th Kup – 7th Kup comb 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male & Female Gold: Lynda Binns Silver: David Scholtz Bronze: Matt Crawford & Matthew Prockter

Veteran 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Male & Female combined Gold: Mark Jimack Silver: John Clucas Bronze: Kelly Hufton


Special Tech, Flying High Kick


5-7yrs Male Gold: Jenson Fuller

5-7yrs Female Gold: Gratiane de Menorval

8-9yrs Male Gold: Oakley Tremeer Silver: Samuel Elliff

8-9yrs Female Gold: Clara Scholtz Silver: Esther Palmer

10-12yrs Male Gold: Kajus Lavrentjevas Silver: George Velvick

10-12yrs Female Gold:  Arrianna Kukanesen-Marti Silver: Paige Ward

13-15Yrs MaleGold: Lucien Penfold

13-15Yrs Female Gold: Gabi Smith


16-17yrs Male Gold: Charlie Cunningham

16-17yrs & Veteran Female Gold: Kelly Hufton

Veteran Male Gold: John Clucas


5-7yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Male under 125 comb under 135cm comb under 150cm Gold: Blake Lucas Silver: Oliver Bassil Tristan Jayapalen Kai Chung

5-7yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Male 150cm+

5-7yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Female under 135cm 6th Kup – 4th Kup Female under 135cm Gold: Gratiane de Menorval Silver: Seryn Tremeer Bronze: Maia Pampellone & Molly Phillips

5-7yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male under 135cm comb under 150cm Gold: Jenson Fuller Silver: Killian Beukes

8-9yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Male under 135cm comb under 150cm Gold: Archie Kenward Silver: Eddie Robinson

8-9yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male under 135cm comb under 150cm Gold: Oakley Tremeer Silver: Luca SwainCooper Goddard Bronze: Samuel Elliff

8-9yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Female under 150cm Gold: Amber Stretten Silver: Clara Scholtz Bronze: Natalie Jimack & Esther Palmer

10-12yrs 9th Kup – 7th Kup Male under 150cm comb  6th Kup – 4th Kup Male under 150cm Gold: Vinnie Phillips Silver: William Clucas Bronze: George Dalton & Xzander Griffin

10-12yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male 150cm+ comb 10-12yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Male under 150cm Gold: George VelvickSilver: Kajus Lavrentjevas

10-12yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Female under 150cm comb 150cm+ Gold: Mia Higgins Silver: Lara Edginton Bronze: Georgia Boutland

13-14yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male 50-59KG comb under 50KG Gold: Adam Prockter Silver: Jaxon Kinghorn

13-14yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male 60KG+ comb 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Male 60-69KG Gold: Lucien Penfold Silver: Leo McFaydenBronze: Peter Hutchinson

13-14yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Male under 50KG Gold: James Clucas Silver: Freddie Higgins

13-14yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Female 45-54KG comb 15-17yrs 6th Kup – 4th Kup Female 55-64KG Gold:  Emily Harris Silver: Pippa Braam

13-14yrs 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Female 55KG+ Gold: Levina Vyner Silver: Emmelien Vyner

13-14yrs Black Belt Male under 50KG Gold: William Velvick Silver: Jasper Richman Bronze: George Cunningham

13-14yrs Black Belt Male 50-59KG Gold: John Robin Silver: Ben Bradley

15-17yrs Black Belt Male under 60KG comb 70KG+ Gold: Peter Lines Silver: Felix Richman Bronze: Logan Habgood & Charlie Cunningham

Veteran 9th Kup – 7th Kup Male 70-79KG comb 70KG+ Gold: Matthew Prockter Silver: Carl DaltonVeteran 9th Kup – 7th Kup Female 70KG+ comb 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Gold: Lynda Binns Silver: Kelly Hufton

Veteran 6th Kup – 4th Kup Male 70-79KG comb 3rd Kup – 1st Kup Gold: Matt Crawford Silver: John Clucas Bronze: Mark Jimack


9-10yrs Male Gold: Vinnie Phillips Silver: Xzander Griffin Bronze: Oakley Tremeer & Jenson Fuller

9-10yrs Female Gold: Lara Edginton Silver: Arianna Kukanesen-Marti Bronze: Amelia Denizsev & Amber Stretten

11-12yrs Male Gold: George Velvick Silver: George Dalton Bronze: Kajus Lavrentjevas & William Clucas

11-12yrs & 13-14yrs Female Gold: Mia Higgins Silver: Bella Hughes

13-14yrs Male Gold: John Robin Silver: Peter Hutchinson Bronze: Ben Bradley & William Velvick

15-17yrs Male & Female combined Gold: Peter Lines Silver: Lucien Penfold Bronze: Charlie Cunningham & Liberty Smith

Veteran Male Gold: Matt Crawford Silver: John Clucas Bronze: Matthew Prockter & Carl Dalton

Veteran Female Gold: Abby Still Silver: Lynda Binns Bronze: Sarah Raybone